性和死亡101是由丹尼尔·沃特斯执导,西蒙·贝克,薇诺娜·瑞德,莱丝莉·比伯,罗伯特·维斯多姆主演的一部理论片。主要讲述了:布兰克(西蒙·贝克 Simon Baker 饰)拥有一份稳定的工作和不菲的薪水,更让人羡慕的是,他和感情十分要好的女友即将踏入婚姻的殿堂,而就在这个节骨眼上,一封神秘邮件的到来打破了布兰克平静的生活。
“每个电影都有它的闪光点” 故事设定是不错,后面剧情有点韩剧了…谁不曾想过和电影里喜欢的角色谈一场罗曼史?关于致敬老电影的电影已不多见,情怀虽不可变卖,但也不可少。看到了《罗马假日》《天堂电影院》《泰坦尼克号》的影子…两主角都有复古气质,赋予电影更怀旧的魅力。男主太可爱了,想养一只…“幽暗影院里,每个人都期待浪漫的相遇”
「I ask no favor for my sex, all I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks.」「Be a lady. Be independent.」「Men and women are persons of equal dignity and they should count equally before the law.」「She maybe small but she's got a firm backbone.」「A community where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest. I will keep that wisdom in the front on my mind.」