《虹猫蓝兔功夫系列外传 虹猫蓝兔阿木星》剧情简介
虹猫蓝兔功夫系列外传 虹猫蓝兔阿木星是由执导,主演的一部国产动漫。主要讲述了:七剑合壁之后,万念俱灰的马三娘想起了十二年前被她抛弃的儿子,于是来到雪岛寻子。马三娘得知阿木的第三只眼是天底下最邪恶的力量,于是企图诱使阿木用第三只眼夺取风、雨、雷、电四大神兽的内丹,进而得到麒麟,好
《虹猫蓝兔功夫系列外传 虹猫蓝兔阿木星》相关评论
"The rhinoceros is a distant cousin of the sick zebra I helped to wash when I was a boy and the circus came to Rimini. My theory about why the zebra was sick is that he didn’t have any sex in his life. How could he feel well? There was, after all, only one zebra in that circus. The rhinoceros is lovesick." —— Federico Fellini