公私恋事多粤语是由徐遇安执导,陈松伶,马浚伟,唐文龙主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:浩然(马浚伟 饰)出国留学多年,学成归来之后遵循父亲的意愿进入了酒店工作,然而,常年浸淫在外国文化之中的浩然并不知道,在这里,经营人际关系甚至比经营事业更为重要。果不其然,心直口快的浩然初来乍到便
It's mediocre. The gist is simple and overly used: a controlling father gets to learn to accept people for who they are but it's practically the only thing they build the franchise on since it's pretty much the growth that already been written around for the first movie. Four movies in and there's no depth to any other characters, that's just lazy.