《关机 粤语》剧情简介
关机 粤语是由郭昊明,陈希执导,何杜娟,刘岳,张颂文主演的一部爱情片。主要讲述了:有些人的生活,就像手机死机,需要重启;有些人的爱情,就像手机待机,一直在线。安然偶然的一次被安排的临时出差任务,让匆忙上路的她手机没电关机了。关机失联后,她的多年好友大伟锲而不舍的寻找,加上一个满嘴忽
《关机 粤语》相关评论
One might dispute how real, or how artificial this film really is (indeed, that's what the directors themselves explicitly examined in the film), but there is no denying that this is one of the greatest, and most self-reflexive experiments in cinema history. By allowing the interlocutors to dictate where they want to take the conversation, Rouch & Morin created a moving poetry in motion.