银仙是由平池芳正,古贺一臣,奥野浩行,高岛大辅,佐佐木纯人,飞田刚,长冈义孝执导,广桥凉,小野大辅,樱井孝宏,田村由香里,中田让治,斋藤千和,山本和臣,野上尤加奈,鬼头明里,金元寿子,白石凉子,鸟海浩辅,长妻树里,岩田光央,日野聪,飞田展男,石上静香,野中蓝,佐藤利奈主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:小维(广桥凉 配音)是一名标准的“电波少女”,表面上,她常常面无表情、一动不动,似乎无论这个世界发生了什么都跟她没有任何关系,但在内心里,有些孤独的小维还是希望能够得到他人的关心和友谊。 一次偶
「I can't help reflect, about my brother, and my brother's friend. And they didn't believe me. And they didn't care. And the abuse, being asked to do things that I wouldn't have thought possible that anyone, could ask of an eleven year old. The more you speak, the more you disbelieve. And no one listened to any thing I had to say. And I just sit here drinking, having mad conversations with myself. Talking about mutilating myself. Killing myself. Dragging down those who are responsible. I want to just lay down and die. I feel so dirty and fucking horrible. Hating and attacking anyone I get close to. I just wish there could be an escape from this madness.」