哑巴新娘是由罗灿然执导,岳翎,陈莎莉,谢祖武,孙鹏,郭珍霓,李铁军,郭军,康凯,徐玉兰,陈志明,王瑜,张瑶主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:十八岁的林静云(岳翎 饰)因少年时目睹惨剧失语,成了一名哑巴,如今为抵债违心嫁入周家。名义上嫁给了周家二少爷周少白(孙鹏 饰),但真正的丈夫是重病缠身的大少爷周少朴(谢祖武 饰),少朴自知性命无多
You can see it did try to dumb it down a bit on the conspiracy part to cater for the less politically sensitive crowd, but it didn't stop it from being a captivating and illuminating show. The resignation speech was very powerful. "Let's stop scorching the earth between us, but spend every day finding common grounds." The creation of a female character as Carrie is itself something revolutionary, an unbiased and genuine display of a strong and independent woman.