深夜食堂:东京故事是由松冈锭司,山下敦弘,小林圣太郎,大森立嗣,吉田康弘,野本史生执导,小林薰,松重丰,小田切让,多部未华子,余贵美子,佐藤浩市,河井青叶,池松壮亮,木村绿子,小岛圣,高雅星,绪川玉木,新井浩文主演的一部日剧。主要讲述了:在一间朴实无华的日本餐厅中,几名食客因为对于特定菜品的钟情而建立了一种简单而深刻的心灵之交。 午夜钟声响起,主顾们带着辘辘饥肠和一段等待倾诉的故事走进食堂,品尝着老板端上的特制菜肴和心灵慰藉。
Astronomy is a humbling and character building experience. There are new frontiers to explore, let us travel to the edge of the universe, to observe the end of the solar wind, to feel the neutrino rampant, to remember the pale blue dot that we all came from, and to forget all the hatred, conflict that separates us.