妻子的诱惑2008是由吴世江执导,张瑞希,卞宇民,金瑞亨,李在皇,金洪表主演的一部韩剧。主要讲述了:本故事讲述了温柔善良的具恩才(张瑞希 饰)嫁给富家子弟花花公子郑乔彬(卞于珉 饰)后做起了贤惠孝顺的家庭主妇。而蛮横叼钻的婆婆白美仁(琴宝罗 饰)整天嫌弃她出身贫寒,结婚七年也没生出孩子。她每天任
sometimes you just feel exhausted and tired of hearing the complaint.I thought maybe it is my problem.I'm not a good friend.But you just can't stop thatfeeling.when I watch the last episode of the season.I think maybe what I do is reasonable.I have moments felt tired too.And all I want to do is have rest.The most important thing to yourself is you.