明星志愿是由柳东瀚执导,沈浩晨,王瑞子,彦希,马心瑞,封佳奇,高蓓蓓,卢星宇,安祐德,彭昱畅,易柏辰主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:林芬芬(王瑞子 饰)从小就希望能够成为一名歌手,无奈抵达理想的道路上却连连受挫,接二连三的失败让林芬芬不禁开始怀疑,自己的选择是否正确。丹尼斯(沈浩晨 饰)是红极一时的偶像,个性桀骜不驯狂放自由的
When facing the total collapse of faith, where do you find answers? What is reason when we can only rely on ourselves to explain to ourselves? Does law bear any more responsibility aside from a decision? Maye thinks that law explains and she decides based on law, but she is after all a human being who needs to explain how she thinks and feels.