了凡是由游本昌执导,李解,杨明娜,刘芸主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:此剧根据明代江南文化名士袁(黄)了凡的著作《了凡四训》改编。 袁(黄)了凡,因幼年丧父,母亲让他尊祖训放弃学业而从医,但他又心有不甘,后遇江湖术士孔某指出他有仕途之运,乃经母亲同意进入学馆并一路
浮夸华丽、精巧细致、雍容华贵、表演精彩、剪辑准确,虚实相间、配乐完美。拉扯下一幅华丽的大幕,看到的却好像只有新生活的开始。叙事主线细想其实欠点力道,但胶片的颗粒感真的是好看啊,剧本的确呈现得美轮美奂无与伦比,节奏玩得很老道 #很有劲很醇厚#
It's so hard to say goodbye to you all and not to get emotional about this farewell even before the year has properly started. I'd be proud to say that HTTYD is no doubt my favorite animated series that have companied me in my most confused years; I will remember how stunned I was when I saw you guys find each other, and how crazy I was to watch the sequel five times in a row in front of silver screens with 3D glasses on; and how I needed to rush out before the credits ran through today coz the flashbacks would seriously turn on my waterworks. Thank you, and I'll miss you so much.