宫心计国语是由梅小青执导,佘诗曼,杨茜尧,米雪,关菊英,韩马利,惠英红,陈豪,郑嘉颖,李施嬅,叶翠翠主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:刘三好(佘诗曼 饰)本是官宦之后,不幸其父在权力更替过程中成了牺牲品,三好与其母江采琼(田蕊妮 饰)以及奴婢姚金铃(杨怡 饰)被纳入宫中最婢女,江采琼有家传的手艺在司珍房中工作。一次江采琼为皇后制
最后一集金句频出,这强烈的共鸣感,证明我是中年人了吗…… Contentment breeds quiet, which breeds complacency, which breeds unrest. Her marriage was a witness to all of her other failures, like a comorbidity to how she was just getting old. Her marriage is not perfect, but it's not like her being not married is ever gonna make her young again. Nothing could make her unmake the choices that she made. She just didn't know that when she was making the choices that they were gonna limit her other choices that she could make in the future. How can you live when you used to have unlimited choices and you don't have them anymore?