(23/24/27.08.2017)劇本其實挺一般 黑色幽默諷刺戲 但倆男神飆戲飆演技 艾瑪興奮死我了 王千源被炸完回來 居然莫名覺得好性感(顱內高潮) 帥死我了!好喜歡看他倆搞基:P 另外劉濤還是回去演電視劇吧⋯2刷:攝影燈光服裝都不錯 導演的演員調度走位 鏡頭畫面都很講究 郭富城用稍猛 3刷:王千源腦殘粉
Bilingualism (Wolof and French) Biculturalism (Africa/Europe);multi-dimensional figures ; haunted by the repressive colonial past and the onslaught of globalization in Africa;“The extraordinary satire of these corrupt classes…is explicitly marked as the failure of the independence movement to develop into a general social revolution” ;National autonomy was the only conceivable goal; “social regeneration which has not yet found its agent”; Impotence as metaphor forlack of external control by independent Senegal.