阿旺新传粤语是由黄伟声执导,郭晋安,宣萱,黄宗泽,杨婉仪,元华,唐宁主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:丁常旺(郭晋安 饰)自幼就患有智障,智力一直停留在7岁水平,由单身母亲一手带大。阿旺虽然智力不高,但为人正直、十分热心,他和街坊阿凤(宣萱 饰)从小一起长大,青梅竹马;阿凤升学时阿旺甚至将自己的全
"All movies toy with us, but the best ones have the nerve to admit it...Most of the films of Luis Bunuel are comedies in one way or another, but he doesn’t go for gags and punch lines; his comedy is more like a dig in the ribs, sly and painful." - Roger Ebert, 25 June 2000